Text messaging is notoriously insecure, anyone can read your messages in transit or on your phone, so what are some options for rendering your communications unreadable while on the wire?
We've talked about Whisper Systems before, and now we're featuring them again for their Secure texting app, TextSecure. TextSecure is a full replacement for the default texting app on your phone. As you might imagine, it enables the encryption of text messages stored on your phone, and, once configured, the sending of encrypted text messages to others who have TextSecure installed. You choose the key messages are encrypted with, making the security as strong as you like.
Another option is to use a completely separate app for sending secure messages. If this is what you're looking for, take a look at Gliph. It works by choosing a set of "artifacts" to be your glyph, to get in touch with others, instead of swapping phone numbers, you swap glyphs. All correspondence between any two users is encrypted, and messages on your device are also encrypted with a user-selected password. An interesting bonus to Gliph is that it allows users to make Bitcoin transactions free of charge.
Some might propose Snapchat as a secure means on communication since the messages are deleted after a certain interval of time. This is not so because the messages are "deleted" not deleted. Basically what happens is that the app changes the message staus from unread to read, so the app will ignore the ones marked as "read", but they are still on your phone, and can be retrieved fairly minimal effort by anyone with a little know-how. So much for ephemeral messaging. Aside from being able to retrieve supposedly deleted messages, they lack any encryption while in transit, and are as insecure as regular texts in that respect.
Hopefully these suggestions have you sending safer messages instantly.
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